Week 2, Term 2
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Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Welcome back to Term 2. We're delighted to extend a warm welcome to Chrishni (Year 6) and Christianna (Year 2) and their families, who have recently joined our school community. We’re also pleased to welcome Chloe Thomas to our ESO team, stepping in for her sister, Charlie, who is currently on a teaching placement on Kangaroo Island. Chrishni, Christianna, and Chloe have all commented on their warm welcome and positive vibe in the community.
In other news, Michelle Starr is currently on long service leave for the first three weeks of this term. Recent updates suggest she's enjoying her break by swimming with whale sharks off the far west coast of Western Australia. We hope Michelle is relishing her well-deserved rest and look forward to her return in a couple of weeks.
The strong sense of community and belonging within our school is likely why demand for enrolment places has reached an all-time high. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of timely enrolment for preschool-aged children. While siblings will be given priority, it's still essential to submit an enrolment application form promptly. Currently, only a limited number of places are available for 2025, so if you know anyone seeking enrolment, please urge them to contact the school urgently.
We trust that all of our mums have a fantastic day on Sunday and that your children shower you with love and gifts. We thank you for all you do for your children and our school and offer this Mother’s Day prayer:
God of love,
we thank you for the gift of our mothers:
mothers who brought us into this world,
mothers to guide us on life’s journey,
mothers to teach us how to pray.
We praise you, God,
for mothers who listen to us and cry with us,
who applaud our progress and laugh with us,
who want the best for us, who dream with us,
who love us always.
We thank you God,
for the gift of mothers. Amen.
Regards and blessings,
Matthew and Ray
Last term the RA Class and R1M Class visited three playgrounds around Adelaide. As part of our Inquiry Unit we researched different play equipment so we can propose to Mr Higgins what we would like our play space to look like. Students tested and explored the play equipment which was lots of fun! We have shared our ideas with Mr Higgins and hopefully can continue to develop our play space this term.
We have a busy Term 2 learning about Mary saying ‘Yes’ to being the Mother of Jesus and sharing why we love our mothers. We are also exploring different living things including plants and animals and we are growing bean seeds to observe the changes. In Week Four, we are excited to have a visit from some animals so we can learn about their external features. For History and Geography, we are learning about the traditional owners of the land St B’s is on; The Kaurna People. During our PE sessions we are focusing on Gymnastics and exploring the ways our bodies can move.
Our Staff have been learning about Visible Wellbeing and how we can best support the students with their social and emotional development. RA and R1M have been focusing on Character Strengths and exploring what we are good at. We are reading Little Miss and Mr Men books and sharing ways we can show strengths like the characters in the books such as kindness, humour, leadership and gratitude.
Important Dates
Yr1H Excursion - Cleland Wildlife Park
School Board Meeting 7pm
Year 2M Pentecost Liturgy 9.15am
Animals Anonymous Incursion - Rec's
4L Assembly 2.30pm
Yr 3-6 SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival
Yr 5/6D Reconciliation Mass 9.15am
Year 1H Assembly 2.30pm
Pupil Free Day (Student Free)
King's Birthday Public Holiday
New Reception Transition Visit
SACPSSA Basketball @ Wayville
Yr 3A & 4L Excursion - Cleland Wildlife Park
Yr 5/6 9-a-side SAPSASA Soccer Carnival
School Board Meeting 7.00pm
New Reception Transition Visit
3A Assembly 2.30pm
Instrumental Evening - Piano 5.30pm
New Reception Transition Visit & Parent Meeting
R/1M Assembly 2.30pm
Yr 4-6 SACPSSA Netball Carnival
Instrumental Evening - Guitar & Vocal 5.30pm
New Reception Transition Visit
Liturgy 9.15am - Student Leaders
Senior Choir Nursing Home Visit 1.00pm
Last Day of Term 2 - Normal Finish of 3.00pm
Brought to you by the City of Mitcham
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